Rank Blog Post

How To Rank Blog Post Fast In Search Engines?

If you want to know how to rank blog post in search engines fast then follow this article. In this article, we are going to share a few methods which will rank your blog post faster in google, bing search engines.

The best way to get loads of traffic is through google’s search page. Because Google is used by billion of users every day and everyday people search for things like product, information, person or anything in search engine. So it becomes a major source of organic traffic.  the amount of traffic you get from search results are fantastic. You will get about thousands of new traffic on your blog post.

How To Get Rank Blog Post On First Page?

The only thing to get tons of traffic on your blog is by ranking the blog post on the first page of the search engine. It will be of no use if the blog post is ranking in the 2nd or 3rd page of the search result. Because no one will put efforts to go and check to other pages. The websites which are ranked on the first page is the best websites that google have listed out. So no one will bother to go on other pages to see your website. even if the content on your blog is very valuable.

So, to get good traffic you only have to rank your blog post on the first page of google search results. however, ranking on google first page is not an easy task. There are many factors which affect the ranking of a blog post and websites.

Google has built an algorithm for finding accurate content for the searched keyword. the website with the highest close ratio will be on the first position. Likewise, the position is assigned to the website according to the relevancy to the searched keyword.

So, the first thing to do to rank your blog post is customized so that the algorithm can recognize it. the process of optimizing the content and website for search engine is called SEO(Search Engine Optimization).

We have to do the SEO of the blog post so that it will get ranked on the first page of google’s search. The SEO ranking is increased by optimizing small things like size, theme, plugins, and many more kinds of stuff. all these factors add up and increase the ranking. In the end, the blog post gets ranked on the first page.

  1. Web Hosting

The first and most important factor that matter is the right web hosting. there will be no use of doing any optimization to the content and website when the web hosting will be not good. Why we are giving stress on right web hosting is because a web hosting will handle the blog. if the servers are not powerful then the blog will get down and is not able to handle the traffic.

it will affect the user experience and people will stop coming even if the content is good. So, to get the maximum result, you need a robust web hosting to handle traffic and should provide great services.

We recommend Cloudways hosting for the start and also recommend to take a look at this blog post. Cloudways is one of the reliable and robust web hostings of 2019. From professional to beginners, Cloudways is the best web hosting for blogs. it is very affordable and it comes with a lot of additional features like free SSL, free migration, free cache plugin,  free daily backups and a lot more.

  1. Write SEO Content(Blog Post)

For getting ranked on the first page of google search, an SEO rich content is needed. If the content is not SEO optimized, then the google bot will not able to know what is your content. because google bot is not a human and it will not read the whole blog post. The bot will only check the target keyword.

So, it is necessary to write or optimize the blog post with SEO. There are many things to keep in mind before writing the blog post

  • The title should not belong. It should be of 8-10 words.
  • The title should contain the target keyword in the first position
  • The title should be of H1 size
  • There should be a subheading of H2 and H3.
  • Each paragraph should not exceed more than 150 words
  • The first paragraph should contain the target keyword
  • The target keyword should present least 5-6 times in the whole article
  • Each sentence should be less than 20 words
  • The article should only contain 10% of passive sentences
  1. Image Description

The image present in the blog post should not be ignored because it can also help the blog post to get ranked. Every image you used in the blog post has a meta description or alt description. It is the data for the image. The data should contain the target keyword of the blog post. The description should be meaningful and not just loaded with keywords.

  1. Outbound Links And Inbound Links

For ranking the blog post, outbound links play a great role. The outbound links allow the google algorithm to know that your blog is linked with a genuine website. that makes your website genuine too. It is called creating backlinks.

2-3 inbound links should be present on the blog post. The inbound links are the links of the article of your blog. this will increase traffic retention, as the reader will get interested in reading another post of your website.

  1. Create Backlinks

Now, the most important factor to get rank faster is through creating backlinks of your blog post. Backlinks are the links of your website or blog post on someone else website. the more links will get you a higher ranking in the search engine.

There are many methods for creating backlinks. The simplest is through comment backlinks. In the comment backlink method, you have to comment on the relevant website with your blog link. so this will create a backlink of your website.

The other method is by submitting a guest post on higher DA websites. you have to ask the website to permit submitting a guest post on their website in return they have to give a backlink. It is the most common and very effective method to create backlinks.