Category Archives: docs

Basel Responsive Blogger Template

Basel Responsive Blogger Template Installation Guide

Basel Responsive Blogger Template Installation Guide is to help you understand how you can easily your blog setup beautifully like our blog demo. This is a step to step documentation so you can set up all our custom blogger widgets such as a featured slider, homepage styles, undefined problem, Instagram Widget and many other social Widgets easily.

First of all, Thank you for Downloading our Basel Premium Blogger Theme if you haven’t done yet don’t worry you can get it from here: Basel Responsive Blogger Template. You check the live demo through the button below. Please Read this documentation carefully in order to set up your blog and please note that there’s no support for free users.

We also Provide Blogger Template Installation Service, if you’re not familiar with blogger installation or newbie blogger we provide the installation service, where our technical representative will setup your blog.



Basel Responsive Blogger Template Installation Guide Steps:-

1. Backup & Uploading

  1. Unzip the zip file.
  2. On Blogger Dashboard Click Template.
  3. Click on Download Full Template to keep your old template.
  4. Click Browse… button. Find where the “preium-baselfinal.xml” file location.
  5. Then Click Upload.
  6. Edit mobile Preview. (follow images)

Blogger template installation Backup/Restore Image


Blogger Mobile Setup Image

2. Basel Responsive Blogger Template Installation Guide & Blog Setting

After installing the theme, there are minimum settings to make all widgets work fine in this template.

  1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Settings.
  2. Click Other.
  3. In Site Feed > Allow Blog Feed Choose Full.
  4. Then Click Save settings.

Blogger Blog Feed Image


3. Setting Up Meta Tags

For SEO Purpose, Meta Tags are very important for your site. Google Search Engine robots use this tags to index better and display better on the search result.

If you don’t know what these tags are and how you can use it in theme. Just follow this simple guide, we recommend you to use free Meta Tag Generator online tool to generate your Meta tags.

Meta Tag Generator Image

  1. It’s very simple, all you have to do is visit the link above and fill all the necessary details that describes your site and what keyword you want.
  2. Click Generate Meta tags.
  3. Copy all generated code & paste in your template head section. we have leave the space for that.
  4. Then Click Save Template.

4. How to solve Blank Post Problem

If you the template is installed successfully and you see blank posts when on homepage, then you need to add Google+ profile to your blog.

1. Just go to blogger setting
2. Then in Post setting and add your google+ profile there.

5. How to solve undefined Problem

If you’re seeing undefined undefined undefined in date area, then please follow the steps here to solve the blogger undefined problem.

6. Main Blogger Setting


  1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  2. Click Edit on Blog Posts Widget.
  3. Change it to look like that image.
  4. Click Save



7. Main Navigation Mega Menu

<div class="menu-container" id="sticky">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="sixteen columns">

            <!-- Navigation List -->
            <div class="table">
                <nav id="primary_nav_wrap">
                    <ul class="bt-nav navlist submenu">
                        <li><a href='/'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Download</a></li>
  <li><a href=''>Pages</a>
              <ul class="submenu"><li><a href=''>About us</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Page 1</a></li>

<li class='megamenu col-no'><a href=''>Simple Post</a><!-- Megamenu Starts-->
                <script class='java' type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
                  var numpostsmenu = 4;
                  var outerclass = "sub-menu";
var starttags = "<li class='menu-small-post col-3-12'>";
                  var endtags = "</li>";
                  var intag = "div";
                <script class='java' src='/feeds/posts/default/-/simple?alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs' type='text/javascript'></script>
              </li><!-- Megamenu Ends-->

<li class='megamenu col-no'><a href='#'>Fashion</a><!-- Megamenu Starts-->
                <script class='java' type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
                  var numpostsmenu= 4;
                  var outerclass = "sub-menu";
var starttags = "<li class='menu-small-post col-3-12'>";
                  var endtags = "</li>";
                  var intag = "div";
                <script class='java' src='/feeds/posts/default/-/featured?alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs' type='text/javascript'></script>
              </li><!-- Megamenu Ends-->

<li><a href="#">Categories</a>


            <ul class="sub-menu">
                <li><a href="">Beauty</a></li>
                <li><a href="">Fashion</a></li>
<li><a href="">Blog Tips</a></li>






image for blogger megamenu

  • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  • Click Edit on Menu Widget.
  • Add The Following Code.
  • For More Information- Watch Video Below

Blogger Label For menu



8. Hide/Show Sidebar on Homepage

When you first install this theme, you’ll see Modern Grid Style with no sidebar. By Default sidebar is Disabled from the homepage. But you can easily Enable it with Our Theme Options Panel.

This feature is available on premium version only

  • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  • Click Edit on Show Sidebar (Default N )
  • To Show sidebar just type “y” (without quotes)( Note: Make sure it is small y not capital.
  • And To Hide it again just type “n” (without quotes)( Note: Make sure it is small n not capital.
  • Click Save.


9. How to Add featured Slider

Head over to our how to add a featured slider small guide. You’ll be easily adding amazing featured slider in your blog.

10. How to Change featured Slider Styles

As you may know, this modern grid blog has two slider styles one is Simple Default Slider Design and the Other One is Premium Slider Style.(Premium Feature).

If you don’t see any theme option widgets, to change homepage styles and slider style widget. Then follow this guide to solve blogger layout problem.

Simple Default Slider

It is default layout when you install the theme for the first time this is the style that would show up on the homepage.

basel default slider

Premium Slider Style

This Slider Style is available in Premium Version of Modern Grid Blogger Template. Not Available in Free Version.

basel blogger premium slider

Basel Premium Sider Style– TO Activate This style you need to add our “style2” shortcode in Hompage Style widget from layout section.

  • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  • Click Edit on Slider Styles Widget.
  • Just Use “style2” ( without quotes).
  • Click Save.

amazine modern style widget


11. Social Widgets

Get the Code for social widget from our Blush Blogger Template Installation. Check after the point no. 12 Blogger Social Widgets

12.How to Add social links

With Our Modern Grid blogger template, you can easily add any type of social links in Footer area.


  • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  • Click Edit on top-social-foot & top-social-home (Social Link) Widget.
  • Change it according to your needs. Add name of the link and link url then click add Link
  • Click Save.
  • You can find social site name here : Font Awesome Icons
  • Just Search For Particular Social And Add that in Site Name Section

For Example if you have to add “facebook” icon then just add facebook in name of New site name section and below add url of that particular site.

social link widget image


13. Instagram Widget For Footer

To show Instagram photos on your blog you need to generate the access token for Instagram, we have provided a guide in depth so you can understand. Here’s how you can add instagram widget in blogger.

14. Mailchimp Widget for blogger

13. Instagram Widget For Footer

This is Widget for Mailchimp Subscription which will allow you to easily increase your subscription and send awesome email to your user for free.

If you don’t wish to use this widget then do not add the following code.

  1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  2. Click Mailchimp widget Section and edit the widget and add the following code

Step 1: Click on Edit on mailchimp Widget

Step 2: Add the following code for Subscription form


<div class="post_author">

<!-- Begin MailChimp Signup Form -->
<h3 class="heading-border">Join Our Madness- MailChimp Newsletter!</h3>

Join with Thousands Of Subscribers ! Get Our Latest Articles Delivered to Your email Inbox!

<div class="subs-foot">

<div id="mc_embed_signup">


<form id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" action="//;id=647baeae01" method="post" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" target="_blank">&nbsp;
<div id="mc_embed_signup_scroll">

<input id="mce-EMAIL" class="email" name="EMAIL" type="email" value="" placeholder="email address" /> <!-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups-->
<div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true"><input tabindex="-1" name="b_e7fd30673f6532475252841f7_7d8c36f9d2" type="text" value="" /></div>
<input id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="button" name="subscribe" type="submit" value="Subscribe" />




<div class="clear"></div>


You can setting and read more about mailchimp form here: Mailchimp Signup Form.

Step 1: Sign In mailchimp account & Create List First

Step 2: Copy All the code and paste it any notepad first and then copy the highlighted part and replace with ours.



Modern grid Responsive design blogger Installation guide

Modern Grid Blogger Installation Guide

Modern Grid Blogger Installation Guide is to help you understand how you can easily your blog setup beautifully like our demo. A step to step guide so you can set up all our custom blogger widgets featured slider, homepage styles, undefined problem, Instagram Widget and many other social Widgets.

First of all, Thank you for Downloading our Modern Grid Blog Theme if you haven’t done yet don’t worry you can get the free version from here : Modern Grid Blogger Template. You check the live demo through the button below. Please Read this documentation carefully in order to set up your blog and please note that there’s no support for free users.

We also Provide Blogger Template Installation Service For those who don’t want to all the steps below and want to have this Stunning Modern Grid Blog design Which you can get it from the below button.



Modern Grid Blogger Installation Guide Steps:-

1. Backup & Uploading

  1. Unzip the zip file.
  2. On Blogger Dashboard Click Template.
  3. Click on Download Full Template to keep your old template.
  4. Click Browse… button. Find where the “preium-blush-final.xml” file location.
  5. Then Click Upload.
  6. Edit mobile Preview. (follow images)

Blogger template installation Backup/Restore Image


Blogger Mobile Setup Image

2. Modern Grid Blogger Installation Guide & Blog Setting

After installing the theme, there are minimum settings to make all widgets work fine in this template.

  1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Settings.
  2. Click Other.
  3. In Site Feed > Allow Blog Feed Choose Full.
  4. Then Click Save settings.

Blogger Blog Feed Image


3. Setting Up Meta Tags

For SEO Purpose, Meta Tags are very important for your site. Google Search Engine robots use this tags to index better and display better on the search result.

If you don’t know what these tags are and how you can use it in theme. Just follow this simple guide, we recommend you to use free Meta Tag Generator online tool to generate your Meta tags.

Meta Tag Generator Image

  1. It’s very simple, all you have to do is visit the link above and fill all the necessary details that describes your site and what keyword you want.
  2. Click Generate Meta tags.
  3. Copy all generated code & paste in your template head section. we have leave the space for that.
  4. Then Click Save Template.

4. How to solve Blank Post Problem

If you the template is installed successfully and you see blank posts when on homepage, then you need to add Google+ profile to your blog.

1. Just go to blogger setting
2. Then in Post setting and add your google+ profile there.

5. How to solve undefined Problem

If you’re seeing undefined undefined undefined in date area, then please follow the steps here to solve the blogger undefined problem.

6. Main Blogger Setting


  1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  2. Click Edit on Blog Posts Widget.
  3. Change it to look like that image.
  4. Click Save



7. Main Navigation MegaMenu


image for blogger megamenu

  • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  • Click Edit on Menu Widget.
  • Add The Following Code.
  • For More Information- Watch Video Below


<div class="menu-container" id="sticky">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="sixteen columns">

            <!-- Navigation List -->
            <div class="table">
                <nav id="primary_nav_wrap">
                    <ul class="bt-nav navlist submenu">
                        <li><a href='/'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Download</a></li>
  <li><a href=''>Pages</a>
              <ul class="submenu"><li><a href=''>About us</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Page 1</a></li>

<li class='megamenu col-no'><a href=''>Simple Post</a><!-- Megamenu Starts-->
                <script class='java' type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
                  var numpostsmenu = 4;
                  var outerclass = "sub-menu";
var starttags = "<li class='menu-small-post col-3-12'>";
                  var endtags = "</li>";
                  var intag = "div";
                <script class='java' src='/feeds/posts/default/-/simple?alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs' type='text/javascript'></script>
              </li><!-- Megamenu Ends-->

<li class='megamenu col-no'><a href='#'>Fashion</a><!-- Megamenu Starts-->
                <script class='java' type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
                  var numpostsmenu= 4;
                  var outerclass = "sub-menu";
var starttags = "<li class='menu-small-post col-3-12'>";
                  var endtags = "</li>";
                  var intag = "div";
                <script class='java' src='/feeds/posts/default/-/featured?alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs' type='text/javascript'></script>
              </li><!-- Megamenu Ends-->

<li><a href="#">Categories</a>


            <ul class="sub-menu">
                <li><a href="">Beauty</a></li>
                <li><a href="">Fashion</a></li>
<li><a href="">Blog Tips</a></li>






Follow the steps shown in a video. Below code is just for MegaMenu. It’s a simple li markup. all you have to do is just simply copy the below code and paste it in menu code.

    • Fashion


Blogger Label For menu



8. Hide/Show Sidebar on Homepage

When you first install this theme, you’ll see Modern Grid Style with no sidebar. By Default sidebar is Disabled from the homepage . But you can easily Enable it with Our Theme Options Panel.

This feature is available on premium version only

  • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  • Click Edit on Show Sidebar (Default N )
  • To Show sidebar just type “y” (without quotes)( Note: Make sure it will be small y not capital.
  • And To Hide it again just type “n” (without quotes)( Note: Make sure it will be small n not capital.
  • Click Save.


9. How to Add featured Slider

Head over to our how to add a featured slider small guide. You’ll be easily adding amazing featured slider in your blog.

10. How to Change featured Slider Styles

As you may know, this modern grid blog has two slider styles one is Simple Default Slider Design and the Other One is Premium Slider Style.(Premium Feature).

If you don’t see any theme option widgets, to change homepage styles and slider style widget. Then follow this guide to solve blogger layout problem.

Simple Default Slider

It is default layout when you install the theme for the first time this is the style that would show up on the homepage.

Modern Gird simple slider

Premium Slider Style

This Slider Style is available in Premium Version of Modern Grid Blogger Template. Not Available in Free Version.

Modern Gird premium slider

Modern List Style– TO Activate This style you need to add our “style2” shortcode in Hompage Style widget from layout section.

  • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  • Click Edit on Slider Styles Widget.
  • Just Use “style2” ( without quotes).
  • Click Save.

amazine modern style widget


11. Social Widgets

Get the Code for social widget from our Blush Blogger Template Installation. This theme has all the social widgets you need like facebook widget, 2 Instagram styles, Twitter Widget, Pinterest widget and Many More.

You can find the all the sidebar widget code on Social Blogger Widgets section on above link.

12.How to Add social links

With Our Modern Grid blogger template, you can easily add any type of social links in Footer area.


  • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  • Click Edit on top-social-foot & top-social-home (Social Link) Widget.
  • Change it according to your needs. Add name of the link and link url then click add Link
  • Click Save.
  • You can find social site name here : Font Awesome Icons
  • Just Search For Particular Social And Add that in Site Name Section

For Example if you have to add “facebook” icon then just add facebook in name of New site name section and below add url of that particular site.

social link widget image


13. Instagram Widget For Footer

To show Instagram photos on your blog you need to generate the access token for Instagram, we have provided a guide in depth so you can understand. Here’s how you can add instagram widget in blogger.

personal Blogger template installation bthemez

Alice Personal Blogger Template Installation Documentation

Alice Personal Blogger Template Installation Documentation to help you get beautiful classically elegant blog design and setup like our demo. a step to step guide to help you out to set up your blog easy way. featured slider, homepage styles, undefined problem, Instagram slider widget and many other social Widgets.

First of all, Thank you for Downloading our template if you haven’t done yet you can get it from here : Alice Personal Blogger Template. You can check the live demo through the button below and also Please Read this documentation carefully in order to set up your blog and please note that there’s no support for free users.

We also Provide Blogger template installation Service For those who don’t want to all the steps below and want to have this elegant design on their blog and Which you can get it from the below button.


Personal Blogger template installation Steps:-

1. Backup & Uploading

  1. Unzip the file.
  2. On Blogger Dashboard Click Template.
  3. Click on Download Full Template to keep your old template.
  4. Click Browse… button. Find where the “preium-blush-final.xml” file location.
  5. Then Click Upload.
  6. Edit mobile Preview. (follow images)

Blogger template installation Backup/Restore Image


Blogger Mobile Setup Image

2. Alice Personal Blogger Template Installation & Blog Setting

After installing the theme, there are minimum settings to make all widgets work fine in this template.

  1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Settings.
  2. Click Other.
  3. In Site Feed > Allow Blog Feed Choose Full.
  4. Then Click Save settings.

Blogger Blog Feed Image


3. Setting Up Meta Tags

For SEO Purpose, Meta Tags are very important for your site. Search robots use this tags to index better and display better on the search result.

If you don’t know what these tags are and how you can use it in theme. Just follow this simple guide, we recommend you to use free online tool like to generate your Meta tags.

Meta Tag Generator Image

  1. It’s very simple, all you have to do is visit the link above and fill all the necessary details that describes your site and what keyword you want.
  2. Click Generate Meta tags.
  3. Copy all generated code & paste in your template head section. we have leave the space for that.
  4. Then Click Save Template.

4. How to solve Blank Post Problem

If you the template is installed successfully and you see blank posts when on homepage, then you need to add Google+ profile to your blog.

1. Just go to blogger setting
2. Then in Post setting and add your google+ profile there.

5. How to solve undefined Problem

If you’re seeing undefined undefined undefined in date area, then please follow the steps here to solve the blogger undefined problem.

6. Main Blogger Setting for personal blogger template installation


  1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  2. Click Edit on Blog Posts Widget.
  3. Change it to look like that image.
  4. Click Save



7. Main Navigation Menu


  • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  • Click Edit on Menu Widget.
  • Change it according to your needs. Add name of the link and link url then click add Link
  • Click Save.
  • To Add sub menu Item. You have to add “_”(underscore without quotes) before Menu item Link
  • Change the location of menu item using arrow down and arrow up Icon
  • For More Information- Watch Video Below





10. How to Add featured Slider

Head over to our how to add a featured slider small guide. You’ll be easily adding amazing featured slider in your blog.

11. Follow Us Widgets

Follow us widget

Note : Replace our Social url with our social links

12. Social Widgets

Get the Code for social widget from our Blush Blogger Template Installation. Alice Blog theme also has facebook widget, 2 Instagram styles, Twitter Widget, and Many More.

You can find the all the sidebar widget code from Step 12.

13.How to Add Footer social links

With Amazine blogger template you can easily add any type of social links in Footer area.


  • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  • Click Edit on top-social-foot (Social Link) Widget.
  • Change it according to your needs. Add name of the link and link url then click add Link
  • Click Save.
  • You can find social site name here : Font Awesome Icons
  • Just Search For Particular Social And Add that in Site Name Section

For Example if you have to add “facebook” icon then just add facebook in name of New site name section and below add url of that particular site.

social link widget image


13. Instagram Widget For Footer

To show Instagram photos on your blog you need to Generate Instagram Access Token, we have provided a guide in depth so you can understand. use the code below for Instagram footer widget.


Follow Us

And for Sidebar, Instagram follow this guide Here to add instagram widget in blogger.

To Solve Menu & Social Widget Disapper problem

Lately, If you are experiencing the Menu & Social Disappear, Then please head over to our guide here to solve blogger Menu Disappearing Issue. We’ve updated our code as well If you want to can install the latest version of the theme as well.

amazine blogger template installation setup

Amazine Blogger Template Installation Guide

Amazine Blogger Template Installation Guide to help you out how to get beautiful blog design and setup like our demo. a step to step guide to help you out to set up your blog easy way. featured slider, homepage styles, undefined problem, Instagram Widget and many other social Widgets.

First of all, Thank you for Downloading our template if you haven’t done yet you can get it from here : Amazine Blogger Template. You check the live demo through the button below and also Please Read this documentation carefully in order to set up your blog and please note that there’s no support for free users.

We also Provide Blogger Template Installation Service For those who don’t want to all the steps below and want to have this elegant design on their blog and Which you can get it from the below button.


Blogger Template Installation Steps:-

1. Backup & Uploading

  1. Unzip the file.
  2. On Blogger Dashboard Click Template.
  3. Click on Download Full Template to keep your old template.
  4. Click Browse… button. Find where the “preium-blush-final.xml” file location.
  5. Then Click Upload.
  6. Edit mobile Preview. (follow images)

Blogger template installation Backup/Restore Image


Blogger Mobile Setup Image

2. AMazine Blogger Template Installation & Blog Setting

After installing the theme, there are minimum settings to make all widgets work fine in this template.

  1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Settings.
  2. Click Other.
  3. In Site Feed > Allow Blog Feed Choose Full.
  4. Then Click Save settings.

Blogger Blog Feed Image


3. Setting Up Meta Tags

For SEO Purpose, Meta Tags are very important for your site. Search robots use this tags to index better and display better on the search result.

If you don’t know what these tags are and how you can use it in theme. Just follow this simple guide, we recommend you to use free online tool like to generate your Meta tags.

Meta Tag Generator Image

  1. It’s very simple, all you have to do is visit the link above and fill all the necessary details that describes your site and what keyword you want.
  2. Click Generate Meta tags.
  3. Copy all generated code & paste in your template head section. we have leave the space for that.
  4. Then Click Save Template.

4. How to solve Blank Post Problem

If you the template is installed successfully and you see blank posts when on homepage, then you need to add Google+ profile to your blog.

1. Just go to blogger setting
2. Then in Post setting and add your google+ profile there.

5. How to solve undefined Problem

If you’re seeing undefined undefined undefined in date area, then please follow the steps here to solve the blogger undefined problem.

6. Main Blogger Setting


  1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  2. Click Edit on Blog Posts Widget.
  3. Change it to look like that image.
  4. Click Save



7. Main Navigation Menu


  • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  • Click Edit on Menu Widget.
  • Change it according to your needs. Add name of the link and link url then click add Link
  • Click Save.
  • To Add sub menu Item. You have to add “_”(underscore without quotes) before Menu item Link
  • Change the location of menu item using arrow down and arrow up Icon
  • For More Information- Watch Video Below




8. Home Page Styles

As you may know, like our previous blush blogger template it also has two homepage styles one is simple List Design and Other One is Modern List Design Style.(Premium Feature).

If you don’t see any theme option widgets, to change homepage styles and slider style widget. Then follow this guide to solve blogger layout problem.

Amazine Blogger Template Style Simple List

It is default layout when you install the theme for the first time this is the style that would show up on the homepage.

amazine blogger template installation style2

Amazine Blogger Template Style Modern List

This Homestyle is available in Premium Version of Amazine Blogger Template. Not Available in Free Version.

amazine blogger template installation style

Modern List Style– TO Activate This style you need to add our “style2” shortcode in Hompage Style widget from layout section.

  • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  • Click Edit on Home Style Widget.
  • Just Use “style2” ( without quotes).
  • Click Save.

amazine modern style  widget


9. Hide/Show Sidebar on Homepage

When you first install this theme, you’ll see simple list style with no sidebar. By Default sidebar is Disabled from the homepage . But you can easily Enable it with Our Theme Options Panel.

  • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
  • Click Edit on Show Sidebar (Default N )
  • To Show sidebar just type “y” (without quotes)( Note: Make sure it will be small y not capital.
  • And To Hide it again just type “n” (without quotes)( Note: Make sure it will be small n not capital.
  • Click Save.
  • 10. How to Add featured Slider

    Head over to our how to add a featured slider small guide. You’ll be easily adding amazing featured slider in your blog.

    11. Social Widgets

    Get the Code for social widget from our Blush Blogger Template Installation. Amazine theme has facebook widget, 2 Instagram styles, Twitter Widget, Pinterest widget and Many More.

    You can find the all the sidebar widget code from Step 12.

    12.How to Add Footer social links

    With Amazine blogger template you can easily add any type of social links in Footer area.


    • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    • Click Edit on top-social-foot (Social Link) Widget.
    • Change it according to your needs. Add name of the link and link url then click add Link
    • Click Save.
    • You can find social site name here : Font Awesome Icons
    • Just Search For Particular Social And Add that in Site Name Section

    For Example if you have to add “facebook” icon then just add facebook in name of New site name section and below add url of that particular site.

    social link widget image


    13. Instagram Widget For Footer

    To show instagram photos on your blog you need to generate access token for instagram, we have provided a guide in depth so you can understand. Here’s how you can add instagram widget in blogger.

    Note: Blush Template Fixes

    Recently Blogger Has updated their code, which causes some of the elements are not showing properly Like the image below

    blogger fix

    layout widget edit problem

    Follow this link to resolve the blogger layout problem along with social share button

    To Solve Menu & Social Widget Disapper problem

    Lately, If you are experiencing the Menu & Social Disappear, Then please head over to our guide here to solve blogger Menu Disappearing Issue. We’ve updated our code as well If you want to can install the latest version of the theme as well.

    Blush responsive Image

    Blush Blogger Template Installation Documentation

    Here’s the blush blogger template installation, a step to step guide to help you out to set up your blog easy way. featured slider, homepage styles, undefined problem, Instagram Widget and many other social Widgets.

    First of all Thank you for Downloading our template if you haven’t done yet you can get it from here : Blush Blogger Template. You check the live demo through the button below and also Please Read this documentation carefully in order to set up your blog, And if you don’t want to do it on your own then you can get our Installation Service From Here.


    Blogger Template Installation Stpes:-

    1. Backup & Uploading

    1. Unzip the file.
    2. On Blogger Dashboard Click Template.
    3. Click on Download Full Template to keep your old template.
    4. Click Browse… button. Find where the “preium-blush-final.xml” file location.
    5. Then Click Upload.
    6. Edit mobile Preveiw. (follow images)

    Blogger template installation Backup/Restore Image


    Blogger Mobile Setup Image

    2. Blogger Setting

    After installing the theme, there are minimun settings to make all widgets work fine in this template.

    1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Settings.
    2. Click Other.
    3. In Site Feed > Allow Blog Feed Choose Full.
    4. Then Click Save settings.

    Blogger Blog Feed Image


    3. Setting Up Meta Tags

    For SEO Purpose, Meta Tags are very important for your site. Search robots use this tags to index better and display better on the search result.

    If you don’t know what these tags are and how you can use it in theme. Just follow this simple guide, we recommend you to use free online tool like to generate your Meta tags.

    Meta Tag Generator Image

    1. It’s very simple, all you have to do is visit the link above and fill all the necessary details that describes your site and what keyword you want.
    2. Click Generate Meta tags.
    3. Copy all generated code & paste in your template head section. we have leave the space for that.
    4. Then Click Save Template.

    4. How to solve Blank Post Problem

    If you the template is installed successfully and you see blank posts when on homepage, then you need to add Google+ profile to your blog.

    1. Just go to blogger setting
    2. Then in Post setting and add your google+ profile there.

    4. How to solve undefined Problem

    If you’re seeing undefined undefined undefined in date area, then please follow the steps here to solve the blogger undefined problem.

    5. Social Setting

    This is optional setting but we would recommend it to enable these features in your blog, to make it more social friendly.



    To get the Facebook App ID: Follow the guide here

    To get the Facebook Admin ID: Follow the guide here

    6. Main Blogger Setting


    1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    2. Click Edit on Blog Posts Widget.
    3. Change it to look like that image.
    4. Click Save



    7. Main Navigation Menu



    • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    • Click Edit on Menu Widget.
    • Change it according to your needs. Add name of the link and link url then click add Link
    • Click Save.
    • To Add submenu Item. You have to add “_”(underscore without quotes) before Menu item Link
    • Change the location of menu item using arrow down and arrow up Icon
    • For More Information- Watch Video Below




    8.How to change header social links

    With blush blogger template you can easily add any type of social links in top bar area.


    • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    • Click Edit on Top Social (Social Link) Widget.
    • Change it according to your needs. Add name of the link and link url then click add Link
    • Click Save.
    • You can find social site name here : Font Awesome Icons
    • Just Search For Particular Social And Add that in Site Name Section

    For Example if you have to add “facebook” icon then just add facebook in name of New site name section and below add url of that particular site.

    social link widget image


    8. Change HomePage Styles

    As you might know by now that blush is multi-layout blogger template and has many homepage styles instead of single and boring one. We have included 4 styles :-

    1. Classic Layout( Default Style)
    2. First Full Then All Grid
    3. Alternate Full Layout
    4. Simple All Grid Layout

    You don’t have to change any html or css code to that. we have done it for you. All you have to do is just use shortcodes mention below to use in Home style widget.

    If you don’t see any theme option widgets, to change homepage styles and slider style widget. Then follow this guide to solve blogger layout problem

    1. Classic Layout– It is default layout when you install the theme for the first time this is the style that would show up on the homepage.

    • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    • Click Edit on Home Style Widget.
    • Just Use “classic” ( without quotes).
    • Click Save.

    classic widget style


    2. First Full Then All Grid– This is 2nd homepage layout. which will show the first post in full width and others in grid mode automatically. so if you like these type of style then choose this.

    • Check The Home style in Demo Here
    • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    • Click Edit on Home Style Widget.
    • Just Use “first-full” ( without quotes).
    • Click Save.

    First Full Widget Style

    3. Alternate Full Layout– 3rd homepage style layout. It will show the first & 3rd post in full width and others in grid mode automatically. so if you like these type of style then choose this.

    • Check The Home style in Demo Here
    • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    • Click Edit on Home Style Widget.
    • Just Use “first-full-grid” ( without quotes).
    • Click Save.

    First Full grid Widget Style

    4. Simple Grid – 4th homepage style layout. It will show simple grid mode automatically. so if you like these type of style then choose this.

    • Check The Home style in Demo Here
    • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    • Click Edit on Home Style Widget.
    • Just Use “simple-grid” ( without quotes).
    • Click Save.

    simple-grid image widget style


    9. How to Change Featured Slider Styles

    We’re pleased to introduce two new featured slider style for you to choose according to your need. both styles are complementing the blog design beautifully make your blog stand out from the crowd.

    1. Modern Full Width Slider ( Default style)

    Blush Slider style widget image


    • Check The Featured Slider style in Demo Here
    • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    • Click Edit on Slider Style Setting.
    • Just Use “slider2” ( without quotes).
    • Click Save

    slider setting widget


    2. Stylish Classic Featured Slider

    Blush Slider style1 widget


    • Check The Featured Slider style in Demo Here
    • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    • Click Edit on Slider Style Setting.
    • Just Use “slider1” ( without quotes).
    • Click Save

    slider setting style 1


    10. Hide/Show Top Header Background Image

    header bg image blush blogger

    We have included a top background image to make blog design stunning but if you want you can easily hide it. By default, it is showing.

    • Check The Featured Slider style in Demo Here
    • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    • Click Edit on Hide Top Background Image.
    • Just Use “y” ( without quotes) to hide it.
    • If you want show it just Use “n” ( without quotes). (It is case sensative so make sure you use n not N( capital).
    • Click Save

    11. How to Add featured Slider.

    • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    • Click Edit on Bt-Slider Widget.
    • Just Use “featured” ( without quotes).
    • Click Save

    All you have to do is just add the “featured” (Without quotes ) in featured slider widget and you must have label of named featured for the post you want to show in slider and make sure your blog is set to Public.Please follow the screenshots below:

    Step 1: Click on Edit



    Step 2: Add The word Featured in Widget

    feat-wid slider widget layout

    Step 3: Add The label in your post named “featured”


    Blogger Social Widgets

    Below are the social widgets which will work on our Blush Blogger Template, AMazine Blogger Template, Alice Blogger Template and Modern Grid Blogger Template

    12. Pinterest Widget Code

    • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    • Click Add a Gadget In Sidebar Section.
    • Choose HTML/Javascript Widget.
    • Add Below Code
    • Click Save
    Follow @Bthemez
    Thumbnail CountAdd any number you want pins to show
    usernameChange bthemez with your pinterest username

    13. About Author Widget


    • On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    • Click Edit on Author Profile Widget.
    • Add the Following Code & the text and links according to your need.
    • Click Save.
    • Delete the whole
    • item of social links if you don’t want them.

    Hi, I am the author Elegance Blog.This blog is to provide you with daily outfit ideas and share my personal style.

    14. Instagram Widget For Footer

    To show Instagram photos on your blog you need to generate an access token for Instagram, we have provided a guide in depth so you can understand & simply add a instagram widget in blogger.

    15. Twitter Widget

    1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Layout.
    2. Click Edit on Any Sidebar HTML/Javscript Widget.
    3. If there’s no widget then Add a widget and Choose HTML/Javascript.
    4. Copy the following Code:

    For twitter, you need to create a widget by yourself. from here Twitter Widget and when everything is fine. then hit create a widget. it will give you code just add that code in your HTML/Javascript Widget.

    16. Change Footer logo

    1. On Blogger Dashboard Click Template.
    2. Click Jump to widget and select LinkList853.
    3. footer logo blush
    4. Change the image url just below it.

    Note: Blush Template Fixes

    Recently Blogger Has updated their code, which causes some of the elements are not showing properly Like the image below

    blogger fix

    layout widget edit problem

    Follow this link to resolve the blogger layout problem along with social share button

    To Solve Menu & Social Widget Disapper problem

    Lately, If you are experiencing the Menu & Social Disappear, Then please head over to our guide here to solve blogger Menu Disappearing Issue. We’ve updated our code as well If you want to can install the latest version of the theme as well.